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Bambooth is a bamboo toothbrush branded by Design Inc. We are very proud to have been involved with the branding of this product from its inception in early 2018 and so pleased to see these biodegrable bamboo toothbrushes in production and now available for purchase.
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Product branding brief
The initial requirement for the bamboo toothbrush branding project included the development of: 1) the brand logo, 2) the product packaging and 3) the broader brand landscape.
The first stage in the process was to establish a clear branding brief. This required the Design Inc branding team ‘getting under the skin’ of the product concept to distill the points of difference, brand values and product positioning. We also looked at the environmental benefits, consumer audience types, pricing policy, market competition and marketing messaging.
It was subsequently established that the product brand logo should directly represent the organic raw material of the product, which helped narrow down the creative routes available. Focusing on the ‘natural’ and ‘environmental’, we presented the client with seven initial brand concepts for consideration.

Concept development process
The development of any brand inevitably goes through a series of development stages and the new bambooth brand was no exception. The chosen brand route was optimised to make the most of the name, which is a valuable asset. By modifying a contemporary lower case font, we could create an accessible and engaging ‘personality’ for the brand.
We took inspiration from the shape, style, colour and elegance of the living bamboo cane for the lettering and by slicing through the letters with a 45 degree cut (to reference the angle of the product’s handle), we were able to create a colourful, compelling and unique product brand.
Niamh comments: “The product brand is amazing, all we ever wanted and more. Design Inc managed to capture the very essence our of vision: so simplistic yet highly effective. Exactly our philosophy.”

Creating the full package
Once we had established the unique brand logo, we started work on the brand assets with particular attention given to the brush itself and its packaging. The Design Inc brand team had already carried out some market research on other bamboo toothbrush branding. We found the majority of brushes and their packaging looked exactly the same: a paper backing with a plastic covering to protect the brush.
Design Inc’s proposed route was a recyclable cardboard tube with an easy-to-remove lid. We developed two tubular packaging designs, one with a small diameter for a single brush and another thicker tube for a multipack of four brushes.
As the packaging would completely enclose the product, it was crucial that the brush was shown at full size on the outer tube packaging. We proposed a ripple effect background to remind us all that when we make choices as consumers a small change in action can spread and have a big effect.

‘We knew we needed something completely different in the market Design Inc led us down a route which, like the brand logo, was so simplistic yet so effective.’
Get in touch
Design Inc is a full-service digital marketing agency specialising in strategic creative communications.