Providing secure web hosting services to our digital clients for over 20 years.
With more and more people glued to their mobile phone, especially during the time I write this (ie. during lockdown), ensuring your website is visible front and centre to your audience is crucial to your digital marketing strategy.
It is all well and good having a marketing plan, a great product, a well-designed website but if you cannot rely on the quality of your hosting solution, your web site could be seriously compromised.
Over the past 20 years, as website requirements have dramatically changed, we have invested into stronger and more robust web hosting solutions. And pleased to announce another year of 99.999% uptime across all the sites we host.
As part of our digital & website services, it has always been our policy to offer a competitive, robust and risk-managed website hosting package for those sites we have built sitting on our own dedicated cluster servers? Not only, does this keep the website ‘in one place’ so that the client only needs to speak with us for all their website needs, but also, as we have built their site, we can ensure it works perfectly with the server space we set up for them.
One of the highest priorities for a business’s website is security. Ensuring your website (and especially the server it is hosted upon) is built with multiple layers of protection from outside attacks, is crucial. The more secure your server is, the better protection you will have and there will be little opportunity of any attacks which take your website offline.
Design Inc provides managed & secure web hosting services, ensuring the server upon which your website sits is constantly monitored and configuring accordingly for your website needs.
Furthermore, our expert server support solution also ensure the server is constantly kept up-to-date with the latest security patches & developments in open source software. And, with backups made daily, this proactive approach ensures minimum issues and minimum downtime for your site. This is our ‘Always On’ solution.
And, for those websites which use open source plug-ins (eg. WordPress sites), we also provide a cost effective ‘plug-in update’ service which constantly ensures the plug-ins are always up to date and compatible with the server space.
Whatever your digital marketing needs, please ensure your website is hosted securely, and always ON.
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Ensuring your website hosting is totally secure
Back to BlogFor whatever size or type of business you run, ensuring your website always runs smoothly, quickly & securely is key to your digital success. Downtime is not acceptable!
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Get in touch
Design Inc is a full service creative & digital agency based in Surrey, UK. To discuss your own website requirements including our secure web hosting services, please contact us now.