Over our lifetime we have all been subjected to thousands of corporate identities, brand messages, logo designs and images, through the use of media, advertising and product placement. Branding is all around us and its surprising how ingrained some company logos become in our daily lives.
Now there’s a new board game to show just how knowledgeable we all are about the brands and logo designs around us.
The Logo Board Game by Drumond Park is the enthralling family game of brands and logos we all know and love… or at least think we do!
The aim of this game is to answer questions based on pictures or our general knowledge of many well know brands. We tried it and we loved it.
Here are a few sample questions. How many can you get right? email your answers to jon@designinc.co.uk The first email we receive with all correct answers wins a copy of the game.
- Which of the following chocolate bars does not contain peanuts: Snickers, Lion or Picnic?
- Which classic brand of British sportscar is also an ex rugby player who also appear on Strictly Come Dancing?
- Which sportswear brand is also a big cat?
- Which brand of mobile phone is named after a city in Finland?
- Which boys name when added to Aston and Remy, forms two fine brands?
- What does TSB stand for, which merged with Lloyds Bank in 1995?
- Which coffee company has a twin-tailed siren as its logo?
- Which brand of battery has the copper-coloured end?
The game is for 2-6 players and for the ages 12 and over. It is available to buy from all good retailers.