Considering moving your website away from your old agency?
Back to BlogWe know transferring your website away from your existing digital agency may sound like a nightmare, but with our 6-step migration process, it's actually very simple.
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Website migration is simply defined as: the movement of a website from one digital agency to another.
Often, companies will find themselves in a situation where they no longer wish to continue with their existing digital agency. They may be unhappy with the current provider due to cost, quality or service levels. Or, they may be looking for better or more digital service, such as ongoing support.
We get approached regularly from companies wishing to move their websites and the majority think that they will need to have their website rebuilt. But, while this can sometimes makes sense – particularly if the website is fairly old – often it is not the case.
The fact is that it’s more efficient for us to simply migrate their website (as well as the hosting and ongoing support) across to us. And this is, more often, music to their ears.
We have a clear process in place to ensure that any website migration is handled smoothly. Not just in the transfer of files but also in the ongoing hosting, content management, SEO and general support.
The website migration process
At Design Inc, we have taken over lots of sites from other web agencies and have a clear and easy process to follow. We do everything we can to make the migration as smooth as possible, often with no downtime at all – you’ll be surprised how little you actually have to do. Below is an outline of our six-step, site migration process:
Step 1:
We obtain a copy of the site (code and database). This can be sent to us, or if given access, we can download this directly.
Step 2:
We set up our copy of the site onto one of our test servers. We run our own initial tests and we then make it available for the client to check it.
Step 3:
We carry out a code audit of the migrated site. You will get a written report with clear recommendations, from quick fixes through to ideas for strategic improvements.
Step 4:
When the test site is approved we copy it to our live (‘production’) environment, this includes ensuring that the content is in synch with the current live site.
Step 5:
The client makes a DNS update, so that the domain name (URL) points to our server. If granted access, we can do this for the client if required.
Step 6:
The site is now live on our servers and we can start supporting it.
Providing ongoing website support
Migrating your website is just the start. Inevitably you have moved from your old agency because you are looking for better service and support moving forward. And that where we excel.
With our website support packages, we are always at hand. You can always contact our dedicated support team directly (no ticketing system) via email, Basecamp or telephone. And, as well as carrying out client requests and changes to your website, our support retainer also covers:
- Proactively monitoring and applying security updates
- Bespoke training and consultation as needed
- A monthly report, detailing time logged
- Regular review meetings
- Any unused hours simply roll forward to the next month (so you don’t lose them)
For us, migrating websites is a straightforward process but we also want to make sure it is done for the right reasons. So, feel free to reach out to us for a free consultation. We will be happy to discuss your options and see if website migration is the best option for you and your business.
Get in touch
Design Inc is a full service creative & digital agency based in Surrey, UK. To discuss your own requirements, please contact us now.