The overall message needed to reflect the company’s genuine response to the unprecedented challenges that were arising on a day-to-day basis within business aviation.
The communications brief required the development of a video narrative to reassure, remind and reinforce clients and prospects about Jetcraft’s core services, International footprint and solid financial standing, as well as introducing a new selection of allied offerings for business aircraft owners that were being added to the portfolio.

The creative development included a number of proposed themes for articulating the message and structuring the video editing. The preferred concept proposed and selected was entitled ‘With you on the ground’ which uses the ‘ground’ or ‘grounded’ metaphor to suggest that whilst the industry was ‘grounded’ during lockdown, Jetcraft is supporting the industry it serves and has people ‘on the ground’ at over 20 key global locations.
The grounded theme continued as a solid pragmatic approach with international reach and local knowledge to track the sector intelligence locally. Keeping your ears to the ground – aircraft marketing/advertising intelligence, an approach which is grounded in Jetcraft’s core values.
Under the restrictions of lockdown, and with the requested production schedule, we were required to base the film’s production on the use of Jetcraft’s existing marketing & advertising images, and video assets, in order for the video to tell the story online.
The video script was developed as a storyboard framework and a combination of on-screen text, emotive musical soundtrack and the blended editing of imagery and colour balancing were used to create a high-end production value look and corporate and sincere feel.
The video opens with the empty airport runway, and then moves into the story of what Jetcraft are, and can do, to support it’s clients during the pandemic and until we see an aircraft return to the air at the end as a metaphor for Jetcraft’s positive outlook on the industry’s speedy return to readiness and a roadmap to a sense of normalcy.
This corporate video showreel was featured within the Jetcraft homepage and was linked to from the company’s Facebook & LinkedIn social media pages and other online digital channels. It can also be viewed below. Hope you enjoy it!