NAVEX Global
Back to Portfolio‘Regional Whistleblowing Hotline Benchmark Report’ – industry report for NAVEX Global
NAVEX Global is the worldwide leader in integrated risk and compliance management software and services.
Their Whistleblowing Report enables companies to benchmark their ethics compliance programme against the world’s largest whistleblowing hotline and incident management database.
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Compliance documentation
For many years, Design Inc has been proud to support NAVEX Global with the design & publishing of their compliance documentation.
This includes their Ethical Guides, Country Risk Profiles, Anti-corruption Whitepapers as well as their annual Whistleblowing Hotline Benchmark Reports – a document that compares whistleblowing incidents and procedures across global regions and enables companies to benchmark their ethics compliance programme against the world’s largest whistleblowing hotline and incident management database.

The report design process
Understandably, the publication is full of insight data and analysis. It is Design Inc’s responsibility to present the supplied information in a structured, intelligent and professional manner. There are three parts to the whole design process, commencing with the creation of the data charts and infographics:
In the case of this benchmark report, the original data is supplied to us in raw / Excel format.
Whilst in its crudest form, our first task is to put a fresh pair of eyes over the supplied data points. This means checking against thousands of individual pieces of data and comparing against the previous years’ measurements. Any discrepancies are provided back to the client for approval.
Once the client is confident the information is correct, we extrapolate the relevant information and begin to design relevant graphs which can both accurately and creatively portray the data.

The illustrative style
The second stage in the process is to style and format the text. The text serves to provide explanation and context of the benchmark data and is provided by the client after a number of rounds of internal proofreading. Design Inc is responsible to ensure the text is styled in such a way to fit the pages and complement the data graphics.
The third stage is the creation of the design illustrations. The design concept was established by ourselves a few years ago – it is based around a style which utilises flat illustrations depicting individuals within both allegation-based and evidence-based scenarios.
These are used on the covers, section headings and, where required, on page spaces.
Get in touch
Design Inc is a full-service digital marketing agency specialising in strategic creative communications.