Wouldn’t it be great if you can always find out exactly who has been looking at your website. How to best gain internet traffic insights from your website marketing campaigns, optimise your online proposition, capture visitor data, enquiries and new prospects?
With our new Website Visitor Profiling service, using the latest internet traffic profiling technology, you can now analyse these web stats:
• who has been looking at your website.
• what search words, terms and phrases did they use to find your website?
• what are the most popular pages they are viewing?
• are they repeat visitors?
• where are they based?
How is this done, does it cause disruption and introduce a security compromise to our site?
No. You simply need to provide FTP access for Design Inc to make some minor code optimisation and you’ll be given a discreet log-in access to a report screen. This can be set to your own preferred custom reports enabling you to see who is looking at your website and their browsing behaviour.
Alternatively, Design Inc can also improve your website’s performance at the same time by optimising content and filenames for search engines rankings to increase the amount of hits to your website and the conversion of them. Results come through quickly and often will surprise you.
Your sales team can then follow up with informed calls to your website visitors which will give them a massive advantage over you competitors.
Website Development
An added benefit of course is that you can engage with those site visitors who browsed but didn’t contact you so you can fully understand how effective your internet marketing and advertising campaigns are. Target your selected visitors with a research based communication. eg. Why they didn’t make contact? What they didn’t see? What will they base their decisions on? The answers to all of which will aid your web development and formulate your own company’s online proposition to maximise it’s effectiveness.
Please contact us if you’re interested in finding out exactly who has been looking at your website, and remember, we’ll know if you’ve been reading this blog!