We’ve joined the Bloomsbury Set!
Design Inc is pleased to announce our appointment by 12 Bloomsbury Square as provider of venue marketing agency services. 12 Bloomsbury Square is owned and operated by the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb). CIArb is the global champion for alternative dispute resolution and its practitioners. The high quality meeting space in London’s Holborn is particularly suitable for the hearing of disputes, as well as more everyday meeting functions. Our first project is a ‘Summer Offer’ and awareness eshot promoting a seasonal discount and venue Open House on 1st June. As the venue has not previously done much outbound marketing the database of approximately 18k venue bookers will be receiving their 1st e-communication from 12 Bloomsbury Square. Following this e-shot, data segmentation will be carried out and targeted messages developed for each market segment.
12 Bloomsbury Square is located in the heart of Bloomsbury – ‘literary and legal London’ and the venue is inspired by the values and attributes of leading members of the Bloomsbury Set, after whom some of the rooms are named, Virginia Woolf, Lytton Strachey, EM Forster etc.
Design Inc is a specialist venue marketing agency. We are proud to have worked alongside some highly prestigious venues to help them win several Meetings Industry Marketing Awards (MIMAs) for our integrated venue marketing agency campaigns.
We have been pleased to work for a number of landmark London meetings venues including:
Royal Opera House, London Film Museum, IOD, Victory Services Club and One Great George Street.
For more information about our venue marketing agency services please contact Frank Norman or call on 01784 683 000
View our venue marketing agency portfolio